artists register

Jenny Westbrook

Deep Blue sea

Deep Blue sea

Abstract painting of the sea on a channel crossing. Plane grey painted wooden frame.

Oil on canvas
18" x 24"


 Jenny Westbrook

Paintings & Drawings



 The work is intuitive and organic and the concept is generated through the practice, very rarely do I start off with ideas other than a notion of what colours I'd like to go for.

The surface is devided up into areas of nuetral colour and adding anything new alters the ballance and determines what comes next, there are many layers and edits which often makes the surface very textured. Sometimes I re work paintings I did years ago leaving a little area of the painting to show the journey.

While I'm working I'm processing memories and emotions, the objects around me and the components of my everyday life sometimes inform the work in a hibridized abstracted way (cars, coffee pots, buildings) . I'm constantly seeking a ballance between colour, structure and a sort of poetic harmony.

The music I listen to, especially the theme tunes to my youth  (that invoke memory and take you right back there) are for me, one abstract thing feeding into another.




2004Fine Art Painting PG.Cert. University of Gloucestershire
1999 -2002Fine Art Painting (B.A Hons) University of Gloucestershire
1998 - 1999Access to Art & Design, Foundation, Gloscat College, Glos.
1972Graphic ilustration, Northwhich College of Art
25th March 1952Born, Brimscombe Gloucetereshire



 I was born near Stroud in Gloucestershire and am now living in Cheltenham. I studied graphics illustration at Northwhich College of Art in the 70's but didn't finish the course and travelled instead. I always wanted to paint so I did a fine Art Painting degree at The University Of Gloucestershire in my fourties when my children had grown up. Since then, I've exhibited my work nationally and locally in group exhibitions and solo shows, taught adults in workshops and classes and given talks / demos on abstract painting and pastel tecniques.

Recently I've had work in The Pastel Society Annual Exhibition, and The New English Art Club 2017  at The Mall Galleries,  London.