artists register

Pauline Amos



Paint, Drawing, Sculpture, Performance, Installation, Video/Audio

United Kingdom


  • Amos works, London
  • Edicions H. Jenninger, La Pobla de Benifassà
  • LEADAPRON, Los Angeles
  • Tenderpixel Gallery, London
la Pobla de benifassa

la Pobla de benifassa

La Pobla de Benifassa is one work of twelve in a collection with Josep Vallribera and Tony Moore;
the works are combined with a DVD, biographies
and portfolio in a limited edition, published by Jenninger Press, available as a completed work via Isendyouthis.
Of the 27 editions printed, 6 are available;

Mixed Media on paper
30cm x 40cm


 Amos : ' I put my self in the painting and become part of it . The paintings are documents and a recording of an event that happened -  the action, the performance, the life, the improvised and impulsive moment is the work'


added cv 2022extended cv
circa 1999My Flesh My Canvas performance; audience paints on flesh of artist during a Painting Performance;‘ the world imposes itself, some of it good some of it bad – we own and are the canvas that is to be composed and structured and painted upon '
circa 2000 Education;

 Selected Exhibitions and Performance Works 


Born Criminal. text and installation work. film and live performance. 


Art in the Age of Now. exhibition Fulham Town Hall. paintings, collaboration with MC Llamas. 


Konfrontieren. collaboration with MC Llamas. exhibition & performance London. 

sound installation collaboration with Paz Caplin.

text works. The Ships. Fox. sooundscape.


Bronze sculpture. ‘Deep Sleep’ miniatures 



Stolen Space Gallery, ‘Pity The Meat’, 5-day durational performance painting and exhibition, London

Redlap Studios, ‘Living in a Dark Age’, visual poetry music album recorded, Devon

Bala Brook Gallery, ‘Retreat Series’, drawings and performance, Devon

Edicions H. Jenninger Gallery, drawing and opera performance, La Pobla, Spain 



Hodsoll Gallery, paintings solo show, London

Edicions H. Jenninger Gallery, ‘Over There’, performance collaboration with Josep Vallribera and Paz Caplin, La Pobla, Spain



St Marylebone Church, ‘The Church – Look At Yourself’, exhibition and Performance, London 

Chelsea Arts Club, ‘She Form’, painting performance triptych audio-visual interaction, London

The Monastery Gallery, ‘Carcass Canvases’, exhibition, Devon


Subway Gallery, ‘Production Costs  the Value of Life is Priceless’, exhibition and performance, London  

Chelsea Arts Club, Never Alone with a Drone photo collage group exhibition, London

David Lynch Foundation, ‘Martha’s Pool of Life’ photograph exhibited Los Angeles and London

Blacks Club, ‘Use Your Body’ photographic installation, London

Hix restaurant, ‘Insurrection’, diptych painting installed, London



C nB Gallery, ‘The Human Beast  That Eats Itself’, exhibition painting performance, audio-visual collaboration with Paz Caplin, London

JW3, ‘Breaking and Repairing’, performance and short film collaboration with Karolina Nieduza, video installation, London



Studio work paintings

Coffin series

Transference series 



CAZ Project Space, ‘The Last Period’, with BLUD ZERCollective; The Vagina as Autonomous Zone, published, Penzance

A Month of Sundays Gallery, ‘Album Cover Cover Version’, painting performance, short film, installation, Sheffield

The Silk Mill Gallery, ‘LoopyPerformanceThing’, audio-visual painting performance collaboration with Nick Franglen, filmed and projected byMario Cavalli, Somerset




Shunt London Bridge, ‘Luxor Art Collective’ with William Orbit and Anna-Mi Fredriksson; painting performanceaudio-visualcollaboration,London

Lowry Museum, Paintings’ Luxor art collective, painting performance with William Orit and Anna-Mi Fredriksson; audio-visual and balletcollaboration, Manchester

‘Use Your Body  Use your Vote’; national billboards advertising campaign for the General Election encouraging young people to VoteUK

Cannes Film festival, ‘Love Scars’, short film, directed, edited, produced in London, France

Chateau Nathan Gallery, ‘Painter and Piano’, painting performance and exhibition collaboration with Mark Chait, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles

Saatchi Gallery, ‘Dysfunction of a Nation’, painting and projection, projected and curated by Josef Valentino, London

Worthless Gallery, ‘Art Flesh Priceless’, exhibition and painting performance audio-visual collaboration with sound artist Jeff Cloke, London

Bethnal Gallery, ‘Nimrod’, painting and performance with Poppy Jackson, audio Timothy CHolehouse, London



Moscow Red Square Festival, ‘Industrial Drawing Between Chairs’, curated by Pablo Ganguli and Liberatum painting performance and exhibitionMoscow

Tenderpixel Gallery, ‘Atomic Forms and Their Corruptions’, painted photographs collages exhibition and performance, catalogue published, London

Ghost Gallery, ‘All Thou Art, painting performance audio-visual and audience interaction, London

Dingle Film Festival, ‘Corridor’, short film, directed, edited, Ireland

Cannes Film Festival, ‘Bad Habits’, short film, directed edited, France



‘Fox’, script for film installation 

Studio work



Cannes Film Festival, ‘Finger Man’, short film, France



La Pobla de Benifassa Jenninger Press Gallery, ‘Between Chairs 5 days Meeting’Visualacousmatique performance paintings ‘Art Action’collaboration Tony Moore and Josep VallriberaLimited EditionEdicions H Jenninger publishing, Spain

Home House Gallery, ‘Opera Paese  The £1.3m’, painting exhibition, London



PhD completion and exhibition 



Opera Paese Gallery, ‘Action  Interaction – Audio  Visual’, 24 Hours durational painting and sound performance and installation, Rome

68 Elf Gallery, ‘She Wall - The Air of Virgins and Philistines’, performance and graffiti painting, Cologne, Germany

‘Deep Sleep’, video installation, Devon



Belfast Fix Festival, ‘Belfast Bartok Drawing Performance’, Belfast 

Dartington College Gallery, ‘My Flesh, My Canvas’ performance, Devon

Gables Yard Gallery, ‘Mea Culpa’, Visualacousmatique, painting performance, collaboration with Paz Caplin, Norwich

Dartington Gallery, ‘ABRACADABRA I will Create as I Speak’, text performance and drawing collaboration with Tony Moore and Chris Sacker, Devon

Dartington College of Arts, ‘Work made at the Point of Creation’, Action with Chris Sacker, Devon

68 Elf Gallery, Man and Nature  Castle performance’, filmed Scotland with Chris Sacker, video installation, Germany

Street performance, ‘Self Made’, performance and short filmthe homeless women, Hong Kong



Circumstance Festival, ‘Exit and Spontaneity’ performance festival circumstantially via Helsinki

Liverpool film festival, ‘Say what you Think’, short film, perform, directed, Liverpool

Dartington College Gallery, ‘Red in Tooth and Claw’, video installation and sound work, directed, Devon

Everyman theatre, ‘The Nature of Illusion in Real Life’, text and video installation, Liverpool



Dartington Gallery, ‘Breathing Whole’, performance and video installation, Devon

I had a Dream last night and it looked Nothing like a Dream’, short film and installation, Devon

Dartingon College, Graduals photograph exhibition, Devon

Master of Arts completion 


Prior 2000

Amos experimented in Liverpool’s music and acting scene in the 90s before incorporating her experience into painting and performance art

Painting has been the consistent practice.





2004 PhD- Dartington College of Arts; April 2004 Title of thesis: Self (ish) Fusion Thinking and Practice a (mainly) Visual Investigation of Poly-modal Art-Making. Supervised by Prof. Edward Cowie/ Peter Randall Page. 2000 Master of Arts, Visual Performance and Time Based Media, Dartington College of Arts 1986 B.A. (Hon.) Design for Communication Media - Manchester Metropolitan University 1983 Foundation Art College at Liverpool Polytechnic 2005 Exhibition ;The Great Barn Gallery, Ashton, Exeter. Performance and works with Josep Vallribera & Tony Moore La Pobla de Benifassa, Spain; Collaborative work and edition for H. Jenninger Editions. Exhibition of work from ‘Opera Paese-Rome’ – Home House, Portman Square, London. Henning & Amos; Exhibition of collaborative works with Henning Hegland; Home House, Portman Square, London. 2004; Exhibition of work from ‘Opera Paese-Rome’ , The Great Barn Gallery, Ashton, Exeter. Canvas/sonic/action; performance with John Richards at Dartington International Summer School. Henning & Amos; Action/Exhibition; collaborative work with Henning Hegland, Battersea House Studios, London. 2003 Opera Paese Gallery - Rome; exhibition/24 hour performance, action & interaction; collaboration, exhibition with Tony Moore and Jeff Cloke. 68 Elf Gallery, Exhibition; Cologne, The Air of Virgins and Philistines; action/install - action and exhibition with Chris Sacker. Gablesyard Gallery; Sound and Vision; installation piece. Action/Interaction; performance with Tony Moore, Norwich, Norfolk. 2002 Work; visual and sonic performances; with Tony Moore, Jeff Cloke, Mike McInerney Work, visual and sonic performances Altarpiece - Performance, Belfast, Fix02. performance festival. God - Studio performance with Tony Moore, Pete McPhail, Scotland. Castle - performance, with Pete McPhail Chris Sacker (exhibited in Cologne gallery). Love Letters - Performance with Chris Sacker, Tony Moore, Pete McPhail, Trigony Studio Sonic live -video & live performance with Jeff Cloke and Sam Richards. Damaged Dorothy- Performed composition. Strange Noise Music Festival, Totnes. Seven minutes to Die In. Composed & performed; action/performance, Totnes. 2001 My flesh, My canvas. Performance. Dartington Gallery. Self Made. Performance. Dartington. The Unknown Self. Self flesh self. Performance/short film. Hong Kong. No Self. Performance. Thailand. Basho; my land my field; Performance /installation. Dartington. Exit & Spontaneity. Performance festival circumstantially via Helsinki. 2000 Performances/ actions/ Video Installation; Live & Kicking. Performance. Dartington. Breathing Whole - 2. performance & video installation. Contexture festival Dartington. I had a Dream last night and it Looked Nothing like a Dream. Video installation, Dartington. Ashes. Video and sound installation for sound ecology conference Dartington. Be is for Being. Performance. Dartington. Cube. Performance. Dartington. Graduals. Photographic exhibition. Dartington Compassion for Seen insecurities. A multiplex installation. The Nature of Illusion - in Real Life. Text, video, performance. Animal Party. Video & sound Installation. Red in Tooth & Claw. Video Installation. Dartington. Voyeur. Performed/written/directed/edited short film- shown in Liverpool Film Festival 2001. Say What you Think, Performed/written/directed/edited short film- shown in Liverpool Film Festival Sleeping Baby. Series of installations, Bantham beach, Devon. Deep Sleep.(1); Sleepers.(2); Slow Dreams (3);. Installation, Bantham beach, Devon. Deep Sleep (4) - the movie; Video installation. Dartington Gallery 1998-1999 Video / Installation Artist - Art Director. United Kingdom; multi-media installations. 1997 Founding Member Salva Theatre Company United Kingdom. Production/ performing/ touring. Theatre tours; major national theatres and companies UK. Director –video documentary of Vietnam. Art Director, award winning short film, Royal College of Art. Acting/performance - theatre/television - United Kingdom 1989-1998. Prior to 1988. Illustrator; painter. Recordings Amos Project; C.D. recorded with Tony Moore, Jeff Cloke; Contemporary Art Productions.